1: IP address tracker web app (React.js)

Description: a web app which gets user info, connects to an IP tracker service and displays the outcome on a react-leaflet map

Tech Stack: Javascript, React.js, API integration and leaflet.js library

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2: A Web App to disclose countries' information (React.js)

Description: This app fetches country-specific data and pictures of flags from a service. It has two different layouts. In layout type 1, general info and flags are displayed as “cards”, while more data is displayed on a single page in the detailed layout.

Tech Stack: Javascript, React.js including Context and React-router, SASS, API integration.

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3: A web app to simulate vehicles on a leaflet.js map (Vue.js)

Description: This app gets coordinates, time and speed data from a local JSON data source, and integrates with the leaflet.js library to show the positions of vehicles. There are different types of data sources which can be switched to from the app.

Tech Stack: Javascript, Vue.js, leaflet.js

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